Suburban sprawl typically moves further into open rural areas as people need more space for their collection of stuff. Developments encroach upon and overtake farmlands, a slow and steady infestation of sorts. Every home packed full with the worries of life, the deceitfulness of riches, and desire for the things of this world packed in basements, garages and walk-in closets. What connections exist between this premium cul-de-sac luxury and the death of trees? The loss of tree canopy, an increase in local temperature, the shoddy rapid construction of premium homes with garbage wood, all to meet increasing demands for a custom castle. Who wouldn’t want to live in a neighborhood full of kings?
DATE: 2018
MATERIALS: OSB (oriented strand board), paint, CNC file of a map of notable McMansion suburbs
SCALE: object
SITE: n/a
STATUS: complete
Sowing Seeds of Discontent, Fawick Gallery, Baldwin Wallace University (2018).